iADH Scientific Abstract Book, Paris 2022
13th September 2022

The abstract book for the iADH Conference was published by Frontiers in Medicine and was edited by Dr Sharat Chandra Pani from London Ontario. In addition to Dr Chandra Pani’s labour of love, thanks must also go out to ; Prof. Andreas Schulte, Prof. Blanaid Daly, Dr. Caoimhin Mac Giolla Phadraig, Prof. Colman McGrath, Prof. Gustavo Molina, Prof. Luc Marks, Prof. Pedro Diz-Dios, Prof. Shelagh Thompson, and Dr. Suzanne Kramer from the iADH Scientific Commitee for reviewing and scoring manuscripts

Editorial from President of iADH 2020 - 2022
It is my great pleasure as President of iADH to present the proceedings and
abstracts for the 26th IADH Congress to be held in Paris, France under
the auspices of Santé Orale et Soins Spécifiques (SOSS). The meeting is
entitled ‘Quality Matters’
Quality of healthcare is a key component of the route to equity and
dignity for people with disabilities and disadvantages yet people with
disabilities remain largely absent from mainstream health research,
through poorly justified exclusion criteria and inaccessible study design.
Thankfully, the necessity for inclusion of traditionally under-represented
groups in research is receiving increasing attention with growing concern
over the appropriateness of translating research conducted with narrow
groups of participants that do not represent the demographics of society
in which we live.
Taking the road less travelled, the iADH is a global organisation with over
8000 members from all sectors of health and social care specifically
interested in disability and oral health. Since 1970, iADH has hosted a
biennial congress that provides members from all over the world with
an opportunity to assemble in one place, and share their scientific
knowledge and collective experience to improve desired oral health
outcomes for people with disabilities. iADH recognise that Quality
oral care has to be based on scientific knowledge and this abstracts
book highlights contributions from world-class keynote speakers and
showcases of the best available research in Special Care Dentistry.
Alison Dougall