Listed here are the National Member Societies who hold a current GROUP membership of iADH. By joining one of these member societies you are entitled to complementary membership of IADH, with a unique iADH membership card and with full range of IADH member benefits (worth $50 per year). To join iADH via one of our National Member Societies, follow the link to their page and sign up with them.
If your own society is not listed and you would like to affiliate your society to iADH to gain benefits for your members then please get in touch using the contact form and our membership secretary will be delighted to assist you.

ASDH – Arabic Society for Disability and Oral Health (Mena Countries)

AADOH – Asian Association for Disability and Oral Health

AAODI – Asociacion Argentina De Odontologia Para Personas Con Discapacidad

ABOPE – Associação Brasileira de Odontologia para Pacientes Especiais

ASPODES – Asociación Sociedad Peruana de Odonto Estomatología de Pacientes Especiales